The easiest way to learn about what shva features is to view the screen movies. For background information, see ALingA and LingA. This page is about installation, use and further development.

shva stands for "speech hear view and annotate". It is written in java and javafx. System requirements to run shva are:

  • java runtime environment j2se version 1.5 or later
  • native libraries listed below
  • Gnu/Linux
shva will launch as a web start application from your browser when you click on the "shva this!" link on a FreeCLAS utterance entry. For example, Fbk0SII411.

The source for shva is attached(info). Additionally, shva also depends on the following packages: All these dependencies are automatically taken care of except for the native libraries themselves, which must be separately installed. Installation instructions are on the respective pages.

If you have installed the native libraries under the default prefix of /usr/local/gnutopia, then shva will launch without further ado. If however, you used a different prefix, then you need to tell that to the dynamic library linker loader with

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<your prefix>/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
But if you installed into a standard location for dynamic libraries in your system, then you don't need this magic incantation.

Because of its many components, shva is licensed under several, but compatible licenses. See Shva Licenses.

What's ahead

Not necessarily in the listed order:
  • Adding derived signals like spectrograms and neurograms for viewing.
    Done in release 0.2.0
  • Major refactoring.
  • Rewriting when javafx becomes stable.

Release 0.2.0 changes

Display of additional 2D derived signals like spectrograms that are interleaved in the ALingA bitstream.
Web start now works for both 32bit and 64bit architectures. You will need java runtime environment 6u12 or later for 64bit web start.

--TEReisler, 09-Jun-2009

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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
shva-0.0.1.src.jar 99.86 kB 1 Thu Jul 31 14:34:07 PDT 2008 TEReisler version 0.0.1
shva-0.2.0.src.jar 114.074 kB 1 Thu Jun 11 14:53:22 PDT 2009 TEReisler version 0.2.0
« This page (revision-5) was last changed on 09-Jun-2009 16:56 by TEReisler [RSS]