Stretched Tone

The first table shows the IHearYourPitch 1.0 transcription of the harmonic G2. The base channel is D1, and each channel increment is 1/2 semitone. Channel 34 therefore gives a pitch of G2, an octave and a 4th above D1.

Base pitch channel is D1 (75Hz). Channel increment is 1/2 semitone.
Track Begin(ms) End(ms) Pitch Begin(ms)
1 113 437 34 11

The second table shows the transcription of the stretched tone perceived at the same pitch. IHearYourPitch 1.0 perceives two pitches, one initially wavering higher, but within 1/2 semitone of G2, and another 2 octaves above G2, at G4.

Base pitch channel is D1 (75Hz). Channel increment is 1/2 semitone.
Track Begin(ms) End(ms) Pitch Begin(ms)
1 135 437 82 135
2 135 437 34 135
. . . 35 157
. . . 34 221


           tone stretched        
harmonic stretched