Polyphonic Music

The first passage(.wav) has two instruments, cello and piano.

cello and piano
cello and piano

IHearYourPitch 1.0 catches only a few of the many piano notes, but it does capture all of the cello part. As you listen, you can easily pick out the line segments in the diagram that correspond to the cello, which dominates in the latter portion. Other line segments that do not correspond to the dominant instrument are present because the pitch tracks they represent are momentarily the most salient in their duration.

The second passage(.wav) has two instruments, clarinet and viola.

clarinet and viola
clarinet and viola

Both parts are equally salient, and intertwined with each other. The transcription captures at least one of two simultaneously salient tones, but possibly not always in agreement with a human listener's judgment.

The third passage(.wav) has 2 instruments, viola and cello.

viola and cello
viola and cello

IHearYourPitch 1.0 makes hash out of this passage, with only occasional glimmers of perception.

The fourth passage(.wav) is of a dominant voice over orchestral background.

voice over orchestra
voice over orchestra

Where the singer goes for her next breath, the orchestra shows through. Although all the pitch variations are captured, the pronounced vibratos sometimes break up into short segments.